Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Weakens excessive cleanliness our immune system?

Today we are much better for hygiene than before. The only good thing?

Not even very thorough cleanliness weakens the body's immune system, it is very important to avoid infectious diseases.

Hygiene is now much better than before, but at the same time, the number of allergy sufferers has exploded in the western world. It has given birth to a hypothesis that a sterile environment increases the risk of developing allergies, because the immune system is not kept in the form of such infectious diseases.

It therefore runs amok and react strongly to harmless substances. The hypothesis are not proven, and other studies suggest the contrary that such repeated influenza infections increase the risk of developing asthma.

Excipients make vaccines more effective

The vaccine is an ingenious invention, but in order to effectively prepare the immune system against diseases in the world many patients also undamaged, it is sufficient to fill the syringe with weakened microorganisms. The key to success today is to provide the vaccine with a range of customized power amplifiers.

Vaccines are one of medicine's greatest achievements. Doctors have saved countless lives by providing preventive renovate the immune system against pathogenic microorganisms. In this way it has been successful in eradicating smallpox and push back diseases like measles and polio so that they may be able to be completely eradicated.

A vaccine mimics an infection, so that the immune system reacts and then "remember" the disease, when the latter shows up in the body.

Monday, February 11, 2013

What exactly is fiber?

The fiber plant is a carbohydrate that can not be digested by humans, so it passes through the system are relatively intact and little or no calorific value.
There are two types of fiber: soluble (soluble in water) and insoluble (does not dissolve in water). Both play an important role in optimal health and naturally occurring - often together - in foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and beans.
The fiber, soluble fiber, especially, also improves blood sugar control by lowering the rate that the stomach empties the food, which slows the rise in blood sugar after meals and avoid excessive insulin secretion or excessive. Delayed gastric emptying can also help you lose weight to improve control of hunger.
Women should consume about 25 grams of fiber per day and men should consume 38 grams. Most Americans have less than half of the recommended daily amount of fiber.
If you have trouble getting adequate amounts of fiber daily or intestinal problems or suffer from high cholesterol, talk to your doctor or nutritionist about adding a fiber supplement to your diet.
If you currently do not eat enough fiber, increase fiber intake slowly to avoid unpleasant intestinal symptoms (such as gas and bloating) and be sure to drink plenty of water.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

healthy and beautiful skin

Total beauty begins with beautiful skin that is clean, fresh and glowing. We are born with a skin smooth and soft. However, with the passage of time, the skin loses its fine structure, due to constant exposure to pollutants, dirt and adversities of weather conditions. But with proper care, we can preserve the beauty of the skin.

To look beautiful and elegant all you need to do is spend a little time each day to feed and care for your skin. It is necessary to understand the nature of the skin to give proper attention it needs. Using the right products for your skin, keeping the skin fresh and clean. Knowing the type and structure of the skin is important to select the right products for your skin.

This section provides an overview of skin types and textures, problems and treatment and natural masks for different skin types to keep skin soft, smooth and radiant.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Obesity can "lead to vitamin D deficiency"

The report, in the journal PLoS Medicine, analyzed data from 21 genetic studies - a total of 42,000 people.

They found each 10% increase in body mass index (BMI) - used as an indicator of body fat - led to a 4% decrease in available vitamin D in the body.

Since vitamin D is stored in the fatty tissue, the authors suggest a greater storage capacity in obese people can avoid circulating in the bloodstream.

The BMI is calculated as weight (in kg) divided by height (in meters) squared. People with a BMI of 30 or more is considered obese.

Lead author Dr. Elina Hypponen of the University College London Institute of Child Health, said the study "underlines the importance of monitoring and treatment of vitamin D deficiency in people who are overweight or obese."

Vitamin D is produced in the skin after exposure to sunlight and can be taken in supplements.

Sound levels are approximately 50 nanomoles per liter - less than 30 nanomoles per liter can cause softening and weakening of the bones, leading to rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.

Professor David Haslam of the National Obesity Forum, said: "food intake and genetics play a role in obesity - but this research is a reminder that physical activity, like walking the dog or going out of the race in sunlight, should 't forget and can help correct the weight and lack of vitamin D "

Good hygiene creates an imbalance in the immune system

Scientists do not know what causes the immune system to attack insulin-producing pancreatic cells, so that they can no longer produce insulin. However, suspicions directed against excessively good hygiene, such as the immune system out of balance, because the clean environment does not create sufficient challenges. It can give a violent overreaction to a harmless infection, which ends with the attack might temporarily directed to the pancreas.

The theory is supported by the type 1 - diabetes is most prevalent in the Western world and the Arab Gulf States, where virtually all residents have access to clean drinking black and sanitation. However, before the disease is largely absent in Afghanistan, where only ten percent a population has the same benefits. Surveys suggest that genes play only a minor role.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Poor lifestyle makes insulin unusable

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder, body cells gradually lose the ability to respond to insulin, so that the patient cannot control blood sugar levels. Insulin formed, but it has little or no effect. The disease is due to the metabolism is the balance, resulting in too many nutrients in the blood. It stressed cells so that they behave abnormally. The treatment is medication, which must try to regulate blood sugar levels, but above all, the patient must be on a diet and engage much about exercise.

Good sleep habits prevent diabetes


Studies from the U.S. and Japan suggest that the risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases if one sleeps badly at night

  • The level of physical activity is 39 percent lower, if you only get to sleep 5.5 hours with a normal 8.5 hours each night.
  • The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is five times higher, if you sleep less than 5 hours at night, instead of more than 7 hours.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Headache Pills cure inflammation

A chronic inflammation of the overfilled fat cells suspected of causing type 2 diabetes. Common headache tablets of aspirin type can be a new cure for type 2 diabetes. Aspirin is namely based on aspirin which inhibit inflammatory reactions.
Steven Shoelson at the Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA, tested the effect of the substance salsalate, which is similar to aspirin, in an attempt to obese patients, who were one developing diabetes. For a month, a third of patients placebo, while the rest were treated with salsalate. Both groups ate the same sugary.

Foreign stools provide healthy intestinal flora

New research suggests that a healthy gut flora can keep diabetes at bay. After implantation of feces from lean, healthy subjects, nine obese men cured of type 2 diabetes.

With an unusual experiment showed scientist experiments showed researcher Max Nieuwdorp at the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam, Holland, in 2012 the species composition of our intestinal flora can affect whether we develop type 2 diabetes or not.

He made a 'faecesimplantation in nine obese men who showed signs of diabetes. Subjects received feces from foreign, slim and healthy persons registered in the gut. This was already after six weeks the composition of the intestinal flora of patients changing. Concurrent they experienced a marked improvement in their symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

As we have become more cleanly and fights infections with antibiotics, we affect the intestinal flora, creating an imbalance in metabolism. Therefore, it is certainly not just our own bad lifestyle but also the lifestyle of intestinal bacteria deeds that we are developing type diabetes.

Feces transmitted by endoscopes


The endoscope with 20-30 ml of feces from a donor is taken to the patient's rectum.
The foreign stool "good" bacteria work their way into the intestines, where they outcompete the patient's own "bad" bacteria.

Fight cancer with biotechnology

February 1, 2013 - Cancer is the second leading cause of death in Cuba, after cardiovascular diseases. In the run up to World Cancer Day on February 4 this report examines how Cuba has followed WHO recommendations, implement a comprehensive national program of cancer control. To support the plan, there has been a significant investment in biotechnology. Cuban scientists and researchers have recently made ​​great progress in the search for new cancer treatments and tools to improve diagnosis and prevention.